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AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i masters, 6 digital inputs or 3 x 2 channels safe inputs (SIL 3, cat. 4), expandable to max. 62 x 2 channels safe inputs, 1922 x 2 channels safe inputs in max. configuration, 6 release circuits (6 x fast electronic safe outputs), expandable to max. 32 safe outputs, 992 safe outputs in max. configuration, Safe Link, diagnostic and configuration via Ethernet/IP + Modbus TCP or Ethernet diagnostic interface, duplicate address recognition, AS-i fault detector, programming in C optional, IP20 Weight=1.92 lbs each

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Part No:
  • BWU3079

  • AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i masters, 6 digital inputs or 3 x 2 channels safe inputs (SIL 3, cat. 4), expandable to max. 62 x 2 channels safe inputs, 1922 x 2 channels safe inputs in max. configuration, 6 release circuits (6 x fast electronic safe outputs), expandable to max. 32 safe outputs, 992 safe outputs in max. configuration, Safe Link, diagnostic and configuration via Ethernet/IP + Modbus TCP or Ethernet diagnostic interface, duplicate address recognition, AS-i fault detector, programming in C optional, IP20 Weight=1.92 lbs each